[Tkinter-discuss] Scrolling canvas (Including all widgets on it)

Michael O'Donnell michael.odonnell at uam.es
Fri Jan 9 09:08:15 CET 2009

Hi Waffles,

  Rather than using place() to put widgets within the canvas,
you need to actually draw them. Use the canvas method: create_window()

E.g., taking two of your lines:

    self.topic_label = Label(self.label, text='Topic:', font=15, bg='white')
    self.topic_label.place(x=16, y=8)

Should be:

    self.topic_label = Label(self.label, text='Topic:', font=15, bg='white')
    self.label.create_window(16, 8, window=self.topic_label, anchor=NW)


On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 2:28 AM, waffles123 <drunkenmousehide at hotmail.com> wrote:
> I'm trying to make a canvas scrollable, but the problem is I can only get
> things that I've drawn, or what not on the canvas to move. I want to be able
> to move every widget (In this case, 70 odd entry boxes, and a few labels)
> The full code is http://www.nomorepasting.com/getpaste.php?pasteid=23309
> --
> View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Scrolling-canvas-%28Including-all-widgets-on-it%29-tp21364650p21364650.html
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