[Tkinter-discuss] tkinter "monitor" and root.mainloop()

Cameron Laird Cameron at phaseit.net
Thu May 22 00:59:48 CEST 2008

On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 12:49:22PM +0200, Marco wrote:
> I am quite new to tkinter programming, and i have a question.
> I am writing a "monitor": basically it reads a file on the filesystem
> and reports it in a graphical way using python and tkinter.
> Now the file, over time, changes, so once called root.mainloop() i'd
> need to reread the file, update the objects in memory and redraw the
> tkinter main window.
> How can I achieve that? Ideas? Suggestions? Is my approach wrong?
Poll with after().  Fredrik's references, among others,
explain this.  I'll be tied up for a day; if you don't
work out the details on your own, I'll return to explain.

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