[Tkinter-discuss] why isn't grid_propagate working?

inhahe inhahe at gmail.com
Sat Mar 22 05:12:17 CET 2008

I want to create a bunch of widgets, icnluding a label widget, and i want
them to be sized automatically upon creation.  but when i change the text in
the label widget, I don't want any of the widgets to be resized.  i tried
doing this by calling grid_propagate(0) on the label widget after it's
created, and it still resizes.    and actually it's a little more
complicated than that, i call grid_remove() on it and then grid() on it
again before it shows the changed text, but i tried doing that by calling
grid(), then grid_propagate(0), then config() to change the text, so that
shouldn't really make a difference..
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