[Tkinter-discuss] Entry Widget - Setting a Default Text - continuted

Amit Finkler amit.finkler at gmail.com
Tue Jan 1 11:04:11 CET 2008


I tried setting up the following GUI:

    import Numeric, time
    from Tkinter import *
    import tkFileDialog

    def exec_2D():
            """Main execution function. Takes input values from user,
    i.e. magnetic field and current values, filename, series resistance
    and runs a two-dimensional scan, line scans over the current for
    each magnetic field value."""
        yoko_gpib = int(YokoAdr.get())
        mag_gpib = int(MagAdr.get())
        dmm_gpib = int(DMMAdr.get())
        Rs       = float(Rs_entr.get())
        mag_coef = float(Mg_entr.get())
        StartI   = float(Ie_init.get())*Rs
        EndI     = float(Ie_finl.get())*Rs
        StepI    = float(Ie_step.get())*Rs
        StartH   = float(He_init.get())/mag_coef
        EndH     = float(He_finl.get())/mag_coef
        StepH    = float(He_step.get())/mag_coef
    def RampYoko():

        yoko_gpib = int(YokoAdr.get())
        Rs        = float(Rs_entr.get())
        StartI    = float(Ie_init.get())*Rs
        StepI     = float(Ie_step.get())*Rs

    def RampMag():

        mag_gpib  = int(MagAdr.get())
        mag_coef = float(Mg_entr.get())
        StartH    = float(He_init.get())/mag_coef
        StepH     = float(He_step.get())/mag_coef

    def cooldown():           
        """Cooldown procedure. Call subprocedure of miniprograms to run
    a cooldown measurement"""

        lake_gpib = int(LakeAdr.get())
        dmm_gpib       = int(DMMAdr.get())
        yoko_gpib      = int(YokoAdr.get())
        Rs             = float(Rs_entr.get())
        StartI         = float(Ie_init.get())*Rs

    def IV_DC():
        """DC IV procedure. Call subprocedure dc_scan of miniprograms
    module to run an IV measurement"""   
        yoko_gpib = int(YokoAdr.get())
        dmm_gpib = int(DMMAdr.get())
        Rs       = float(Rs_entr.get())
        StartI   = float(Ie_init.get())*Rs
        EndI     = float(Ie_finl.get())*Rs
        StepI    = float(Ie_step.get())*Rs
    def Mag_DC():
        """DC Magnetic field dependence procedure. CAll subprocedure
    mag_field_dc_scan of miniprograms module to run a mag measurement"""   

        mag_gpib = int(MagAdr.get())
        dmm_gpib = int(DMMAdr.get())
        mag_coef = float(Mg_entr.get())
        StartH   = float(He_init.get())/mag_coef
        EndH     = float(He_finl.get())/mag_coef
        StepH    = float(He_step.get())/mag_coef       
    def file_save_as(event):
        """ Simple function, whose input is a mouse button click and
    its, opening a dialog box asking the user for a filename to save the
    data in and in return prints out a label to the right of the button
    which states the path of this file. Mostly serves as an indicator to
    the user where he/she saves his/her file."""
        global fn
        fn  = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename()
        FilenameDisplay.configure(text = fn,fg = 'white', bg = 'black')
    def query_Yokogawa(event):
        """ Real-time query of the current output of the Yokogawa power
    supply. Input is a mouse button click. Output is the current output
    displayed to the right of that button. Standard procedure really.

        yokogawa_gpib = int(YokoAdr.get())

    def query_temperature(event):
        """ Real-time query of the current temperature in the bottom of
    the rod as measured by the Lakeshore 330 temperature controller.
    Input is a mouse button click. Output is the current temperature
    displayed to the right of that button. Standard procedure really.

    def query_temperature2(event):
        """ Real-time query of the current temperature in the bottom of
    the rod as measured by the Lakeshore 330 temperature controller.
    Input is a mouse button click. Output is the current temperature
    displayed to the right of that button. Standard procedure really.

    def query_field(event):
        """ Real-time query of the current external magnetic field in
    play. Input is a mouse button click. Output is the current magnetic
    field displayed to the right of that button. Standard procedure
    really. """   

    #                                                        #    
    #                     END OF FUNCTIONS                   #
    #                                                        #
    # Define main windows and their subframes
    win              = Tk()
    win.title('Control Panel')

    win2             = Tk()
    win2.title('Configuration and Monitoring')

    f                = Frame(win, bd = 2, relief = 'groove')
    f2               = Frame(win2, bd = 2, relief = 'groove')

    # Define variables and their default values

    I_init       = StringVar()
    H_init       = StringVar()
    I_finl       = StringVar()
    H_finl       = StringVar()
    I_step       = StringVar()
    H_step       = StringVar()
    R_ser        = IntVar()
    M_coef       = IntVar()

    Yoko_adr     = IntVar()
    Mag_adr      = IntVar()
    DMM_adr      = IntVar()
    Lake_adr     = IntVar()
    Lake2_adr    = IntVar()

    # Variable input boxes from user

    Ie_init       = Entry(f, textvariable = I_init)
    He_init       = Entry(f, textvariable = H_init)
    Ie_finl       = Entry(f, textvariable = I_finl)
    He_finl       = Entry(f, textvariable = H_finl)
    Ie_step       = Entry(f, textvariable = I_step)
    He_step       = Entry(f, textvariable = H_step)
    Rs_entr       = Entry(f, textvariable = R_ser)
    Mg_entr       = Entry(f, textvariable = M_coef)
    Il_init       = Label(f, text         = 'Initial/set current [A]')
    Hl_init       = Label(f, text         = 'Initial field [Gauss]')
    Il_finl       = Label(f, text         = 'Final current [A]')
    Hl_finl       = Label(f, text         = 'Final field [Gauss]')
    Il_step       = Label(f, text         = 'Current step[A]')
    Hl_step       = Label(f, text         = 'Field step[Gauss]')
    Rs_labl       = Label(f, text         = 'Series Resistance [Ohm]',
    fg = 'magenta')
    Mg_labl       = Label(f, text         = 'Magnet Coef. [Gauss/A]', fg
    = 'magenta')

    YokoAdr       = Entry(f2, textvariable = Yoko_adr)
    MagAdr        = Entry(f2, textvariable = Mag_adr)
    DMMAdr        = Entry(f2, textvariable = DMM_adr)
    LakeAdr       = Entry(f2, textvariable = Lake_adr)
    Lake2Adr      = Entry(f2, textvariable = Lake2_adr)
    YokoAdrLabel  = Label(f2, text = 'Yoko address')
    MagAdrLabel   = Label(f2, text = 'Magnet address')
    DMMAdrLabel   = Label(f2, text = 'DMM address')
    LakeAdrLabel  = Label(f2, text = 'Lakeshore (Rod) address')
    Lake2AdrLabel = Label(f2, text = 'Lakeshore (Cryostat) address')

    # Place input boxes and labels on a grid

    YokoAdrLabel.grid(row  = 0, column = 0)
    YokoAdr.grid(row       = 1, column = 0)
    MagAdrLabel.grid(row   = 2, column = 0)
    MagAdr.grid(row        = 3, column = 0)
    DMMAdrLabel.grid(row   = 4, column = 0)
    DMMAdr.grid(row        = 5, column = 0)
    LakeAdrLabel.grid(row  = 6, column = 0)
    LakeAdr.grid(row       = 7, column = 0)
    Lake2AdrLabel.grid(row = 8, column = 0)
    Lake2Adr.grid(row      = 9, column = 0)

    Il_init.grid(row = 0, column = 0)
    Hl_init.grid(row = 0, column = 2)
    Ie_init.grid(row = 1, column = 0)
    He_init.grid(row = 1, column = 2)
    Il_finl.grid(row = 2, column = 0)
    Hl_finl.grid(row = 2, column = 2)
    Ie_finl.grid(row = 3, column = 0)
    He_finl.grid(row = 3, column = 2)
    Il_step.grid(row = 4, column = 0)
    Hl_step.grid(row = 4, column = 2)
    Ie_step.grid(row = 5, column = 0)
    He_step.grid(row = 5, column = 2)
    Rs_labl.grid(row = 6, column = 0)
    Rs_entr.grid(row = 7, column = 0)
    Mg_labl.grid(row = 6, column = 2)
    Mg_entr.grid(row = 7, column = 2)

    # Define execute 2D scan button
    RunFrame             = Frame(win, bd = 2, relief = 'groove')
    Run2D                = Button(RunFrame)
    Run2D.configure(text = 'Run 2D', fg = 'blue', command = exec_2D)
    Run2D.pack(side = LEFT)
    RunCooldown          = Button(RunFrame)
    RunCooldown.configure(text = 'Cooldown', fg = 'blue', command =
    RunCooldown.pack(side = LEFT)
    RunIVDC              = Button(RunFrame)
    RunIVDC.configure(text = 'IV-DC', fg = 'blue', command = IV_DC)
    RunIVDC.pack(side = LEFT)
    RunRampYoko          = Button(RunFrame)
    RunRampYoko.configure(text = 'Ramp Yoko', fg = 'blue', command =
    RunRampYoko.pack(side = LEFT)
    RunRampMag           = Button(RunFrame)
    RunRampMag.configure(text = 'Ramp Field', fg = 'blue', command =
    RunRampMag.pack(side = LEFT)
    RunMagDC              = Button(RunFrame)
    RunMagDC.configure(text = 'Mag-DC', fg = 'blue', command = Mag_DC)
    RunMagDC.pack(side = LEFT)

    # Define Filename Frame

    FilenameFrame = Frame(win, bd = 2, relief = 'groove')
    Filename      = Button(FilenameFrame)
    Filename.configure(text = 'Save in file...')
    FilenameDisplay = Label(FilenameFrame)
    FilenameDisplay.pack(side = LEFT)

    # Monitor Frame

    MonitorFrame  = Frame(win2, bd = 2, relief = 'groove')

    QueryField    = Button(MonitorFrame)
    QueryField.configure(text = 'Query Field', fg = 'DarkViolet')
    QueryField.bind("<Button-1>", query_field)
    PrintField    = Label(MonitorFrame)
    QueryField.grid(row = 0, column = 0)
    PrintField.grid(row = 0, column = 1)

    QueryLake     = Button(MonitorFrame)
    QueryLake.configure(text = 'Query Rod Temperature', fg = 'DarkViolet')
    QueryLake.bind("<Button-1>", query_temperature)
    PrintLake     = Label(MonitorFrame)
    QueryLake.grid(row = 1, column = 0)
    PrintLake.grid(row = 1, column = 1)

    QueryLake2    = Button(MonitorFrame)
    QueryLake2.configure(text = 'Query Cryostat Temperature', fg =
    QueryLake2.bind("<Button-1>", query_temperature2)
    PrintLake2    = Label(MonitorFrame)
    QueryLake2.grid(row = 2, column = 0)
    PrintLake2.grid(row = 2, column = 1)

    QueryYoko     = Button(MonitorFrame)
    QueryYoko.configure(text = 'Query Yokogawa', fg = 'DarkViolet')
    QueryYoko.bind("<Button-1>", query_Yokogawa)
    PrintYoko     = Label(MonitorFrame)
    QueryYoko.grid(row = 3, column = 0)
    PrintYoko.grid(row = 3, column = 1)

    # Pack everything together

    # Window 1 packing

    # Window 2 packing

Two windows open, but in window number 2 I set some default text into 5
fields and they don't appear. If, however, I change "win2" to "win" in
line 100 (the definition of "f2" frame), all the 5 default numbers
appear in their respective widgets.

Any idea why this happens?



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