[Tkinter-discuss] different results from the same tcl script

Mohammad Tayseer m_tayseer82 at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 25 19:20:44 CEST 2007

You have to call mainloop for any window to appear. I cannot remember the exact reason for this, but it was posted before on the mailing list

Fabrizio Pollastri <pollastri at iriti.cnr.it> wrote: Mohammad Tayseer wrote:
 > Finishing the program will close it, which will destroy the Tk object.
 > You have to call mainloop() at the end to stop the program from >closing

The program waits for 3 seconds before finishing, so I must see the 
expected window for the same time, but this do not happen.

F. Pollastri
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Mohammad Tayseer

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