[Tkinter-discuss] Unicode in Tkinter in MacOS

mkieverpy at tlink.de mkieverpy at tlink.de
Wed Oct 4 16:27:44 CEST 2006

Mike Gasser wrote:
> This may be just a Mac problem, but I find that in MacOS (10.4) I can
> only get Tkinter to display the characters in the Latin-1 set and
> Japanese.  Possibly others, I don't know, but many Unicode characters
> display as garbage characters.  The simplest way to illustrate this
> is with the little Romanian "hello world" program that Jason
> Orendorff uses to illustrate Unicode display in Tkinter on his oft-
> cited "Unicode for Programmers" site: http://www.jorendorff.com/
> articles/unicode/python.html
> ...

Earlier on this year or late last year I had similar problems
(with extendedA and B characters). I finally dropped the idea.
As far as I can remember from googling the web for a solution
is that this problem was/is due to brokenness of Tk (Tk Aqua) on the newer MacOSs.
A reference I just refound: http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Mail/Message/tcl-mac/2865240
My problems were with Python 2.3.5 with Tcl/Tk 8.4.
I do not follow the development on MacOS regularly, so I cannot tell you the current state
of affairs.

Hope this helps,

Matthias Kievernagel

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