[Tkinter-discuss] Scroll a table, but not the first two rows?

Mohammad Tayseer m_tayseer82 at yahoo.com
Wed May 31 11:45:20 CEST 2006

Why don't you separate the table from the header? The header should be *outside* the ScrolledFrame, so it's not scrolled

Chris Niekel <chris at niekel.net> wrote: Hi,

I'm trying to build a window that has a table with multiple columns. I'm
using Pmw.ScrolledFrame now, creating the table with the
.grid(row=N,column=N). This works quite good, but when more rows appear
than fit in the window, the header of the column scrolls off. 

Is it possible to have the headers above the columns not scroll, but scroll
the data below it? The columns and their header should be aligned properly.

Chris Niekel
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