[Tkinter-discuss] Iterate Scale widgets

rkundu at ouray.cudenver.edu rkundu at ouray.cudenver.edu
Fri Jun 30 20:00:13 CEST 2006

The problem with the following program is I am not able to get values 
corresponding to each scale widgets. I tried initially storing the 
scale widget names in a list and then get the values but did not work. 
So, I borrowed the trace variable part of the script from some internet 
source. In the program below all the scale widgets created are having 
the same variable “var”, how do I change the variable names 
automatically or is there any other way to retrieve the values of 
scales? Any advice will be appreciated.
Thank you,

from Tkinter import*
import sys, Tkinter, types, copy
root = Tk()

i = 1
k = 5

var = Tkinter.DoubleVar()
oldvalue = var.get()

def callback(*args):
    global oldvalue
    #An exclamation point tells var that what follows is a Python 
statement, not a var command.
    if var.get() != oldvalue:
        oldvalue = var.get()
        print var.get()

var.trace_variable("w", callback)
        while i<=k:
    var1 = var + i
    while j<=k:
        Scale(root, from_ = 0.0, to = 1.0, resolution = 0.1, variable = 
var, orient = 'horizontal').grid(row=i,column=j)

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