[Tkinter-discuss] creating widgets generically, with a loop?

Mike Steiner mikejaysteiner at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 20 18:40:37 CEST 2006

Some background info: I have a Python/Tkinter script that displays a
dialog with buttons, where each button launches a file for editing.
Sort of like an HTML file in a browser, except with my script I can
launch it using a particular program.

I've been trying to figure out a way of storing widget information
(name of each widget, x and y positions, and a command to execute
when activated) in an array so I can generically create each widget
instead of hard-coding all the information. For example, here's a
snippet of what I currently use:

    Button(top, text="OO design info",

    def launch_file23 ( self ): os.spawnl ( os.P_NOWAIT , 
"c:\\Program Files\\TextPad 4\\TextPad.exe" , "TextPad.exe" , "d:\\My

Documents\\prog_oo_design.txt" )

If there was a way I could pass arguments to launch_file23 from the
"command=" parameter, that would solve the problem nicely - I could
store the info in an array, and then just loop to create the buttons.

Any ideas?

Michael Steiner
MikeJaySteiner at yahoo.com
(480) 720-8902 (cell)

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