[Tkinter-discuss] update_idletasks problem

Russell Blau russblau at hotmail.com
Tue Jun 6 14:09:04 CEST 2006

Perhaps I should have called this "cursor problem."  On further
investigation, I disabled the command button while the page is being
retrieved, and this works even though the cursor change does not.  So now
I've got the following code:

class Application(Tkinter.Frame):
    def __init__(self):
        self.b = Button(self, text="Retrieve Page",

    def my_slow_method(self):
        self['cursor'] = 'watch'
        self.b['state'] = DISABLED
        retrieve_page_from_wiki()     # placeholder function
        self['cursor'] = ''           # reset to default
        self.b['state'] = NORMAL

While the page is being retrieved from the server, the button is disabled,
but the cursor remains normal.  Is this a Windows problem, or is there
something I can do within Tkinter to get the
cursor to behave as desired?

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