[Tkinter-discuss] slow moving on Canvas

Pavel Kosina geon at post.cz
Sun Jul 23 16:50:44 CEST 2006

I got two similar programs-  one in Livewires and one in Tkinter. Just 
moving the player on a canvas. Why is that one in Tkinter so slow? What 
did I miss? Livewires is based on Tkinter, so it should be the same. I 
looked at the code of Livewires, tried something, but no success. Maybe  
its because of sleeping part in event handler in Tkinter, that is 
somehow (how?) bypassed in Livewires by magic 
tkinter.dooneevent(tkinter.DONT_WAIT). Neither this worked with me.

Could anyone help?
Both programs attached.

Pavel Kosina

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