[Tkinter-discuss] Radiobutton

Martin Weisel Martin.Weisel at gmx.de
Sat Feb 11 01:48:20 CET 2006

Hi everybody.

I'm currently trying to create a popup-GUI for PyMOL with Tkinter.
It's supposed to be of the form:


from Tkinter import *
root = Tk()

def radio1():
	global tmp
	tmp = IntVar()
	Yes = Radiobutton(root, text = 'yes', value = 1 , variable = tmp)
	Yes.pack(side = LEFT)
	Yes.select()	#set Yes initially
	No = Radiobutton(root, text = 'no', value = 2 , variable = tmp).pack(side =



My problem is, that I cannot read out the actual value of tmp with
tmp.get() --> it is always returning 0.
Although displaying the actual value of tmp as a dynamic label on the GUI
works very well:

Label(root, textvariable = tmp).pack(side = LEFT)

Any help would be appreciated.

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