[Tkinter-discuss] buttonpress

Stewart Midwinter stewart.midwinter at gmail.com
Tue Apr 25 18:57:44 CEST 2006

Pavel, what operating system are you on, and what version of Python,
and what version of Tcl/Tk?

Also note that to see the code work, you need to click on the button
itself, which might be a bit hard as it is quite narrow.  To make the
button wider, give it some text.  Also note that the events will be
printed in a console window, not in the application itself.

Below a version of Jeff's test app that shows the events in the
application itself, in a label.

On 4/25/06, Pavel Kosina <geon at post.cz> wrote:

>  Unfortunately not with me. This piece of code doesnt work as you wrote
> and/or is described in the link I sent before. (it is about  <Button-1> ..)

from Tkinter import *

root = Tk()
myEvent = StringVar()
myEvent.set('no event yet')

def print_event(evt):
   msg = "Event at", evt.x, evt.y
   print msg

b = Button(root, text="Press here!")

l = Label(root, textvariable=myEvent,text=myEvent.get() )
b.bind("<B1-Motion>", print_event)

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