[Tkinter-discuss] creating a conformation window that does multiple commands

Jonathan Stevens jstevens1984 at hotmail.com
Sat Mar 5 19:36:14 CET 2005

I'm new to tkinter, so this might be a stupid question, but please bear with 
me. I have a gui made and when the user goes to file->quit a conformation 
window will pop up asking if they are sure that they want to quit, if "yes" 
then the program will quit. What I can not get it how to get the 
conformation window to be destroyed and the main program will quit with one 
command? Plus can this be done where, for another command instead of qiuting 
the program, i say go to another function but the pop up window does close?

Any advice will be much appreciated and I thank you all for helping me out

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