[Tkinter-discuss] First Tkinter program

William O'Higgins william.ohiggins at utoronto.ca
Wed Jun 15 18:23:51 CEST 2005

I am just starting out with Python, in hopes of getting my head around
OO programming.  I am running into trouble figuring out how to structure
a GUI front-end for a simple program.  Here's the general visual

Listbox populated by a list

Some number of textentry and textarea pairs (five? or from a list?)

Button one - says "Next" and it stores the contents of the textentry and
textarea pairs (in a dictionary tied to the list entry seems natural), and 
then clears the interface to allow more entries

Button two - "Done" - stores the contents of the textentry and textarea
pairs and then closes the window.

That's really it - very simple, but too much for me - I haven't even
written a list box test that actually works - I do not understand OO
well enough to make sense of examples (I don't really get what a
constructor does, or understand the interactions of classes and
instances of TKinter objects).

The underlying functionality is easy - I can write it to use the command
line or text files no problem - but the interface i giving me fits.  Any
pointers would be welcome.  Thanks.



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