[Tkinter-discuss] Re: Yet Another Table widget...

Jeff Epler jepler at unpythonic.net
Fri Jan 21 21:09:15 CET 2005

I thought maybe the list would benefit from hearing about how I chose to wrap
the bwidget family of widgets for my pybwidget package.

On Fri, Jan 21, 2005 at 10:40:54AM +0000, Martin Franklin wrote:
> First thing to note is that tablelist is pure Tcl package and can be
> either installed in the standard tcl package location or you can tell
> Tcl where it is (I choose the later since I don't always have permission
> to install)
> To use the package from this location Tcl I need to execute this:-
> root.tk.call("lappend", "auto_path", "/home/martin/tablelist3.7")
> Next you have to register the package so that Tkinter can use/find it
> root.tk.call("package", "require", "tablelist")

in pybwidget, setup.py installs the .tcl files (and a few other files) in a
known location relative to the Python installation.  (The downside of this is
that the package is not available in "wish", the tk interactive shell)

That path is defined as
    _datadir = os.path.join(sys.prefix, "share", "pybwidget")
The files are installed by the 'data_files=' parameter to setup()

When a bwidget is created, the _datadir is added to auto_path if it
wasn't already present, and then the package is require'd:
    def _require(self, master):
        auto_path = master.tk.call("set", "auto_path")
        if not _datadir in auto_path:
            master.tk.call("lappend", "auto_path", _datadir)
        master.tk.call("package", "require", "BWidget")

> class TableList(Widget):
>     def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}, **kw):
>         Widget.__init__(self, master, 'tablelist::tablelist', cnf, kw)
> Worth a mention is the tablelist::tablelist - it took me 20 minutes to
> work this out... tablelist the Tcl widget is in a Tcl namespace called 
> tablelist hence the :: notation I guess

In bwidget, the class names and the tcl commands to create the widgets were
generally identical, so I put a __init__ in a base class:
    def __init__(self, master, cnf={}, **kw):
        Tkinter.Widget.__init__(self, master, self.__class__.__name__, cnf, kw)

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