[Tkinter-discuss] re: how to delete a toplevel window from within it?

Jared Cohen Jared.Cohen at noaa.gov
Fri Jan 7 23:00:06 CET 2005

> I tried the
>following method, invoked by a button, without success
># in FileEditor.py:
>    def close(self):
>        '''close the window that we live in'''
>        self.destroy()
>but the following error is returned:
>AttributeError: Editor instance has no attribute 'destroy'

The problem is simple: the Tkinter Toplevel is the only widget that HAS 
a method called destroy(). Unless your FileEditor class actually 
inherits from the Toplevel widget, it can't be destroyed directly. 
However, you can define a destroy() method in your FileEditor that 
simply passes along the command to the Toplevel's destroy() method; for 

class FileEditor:

    def destroy(self):
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