[Tkinter-discuss] Re: Yet Another Table widget...

Stewart Midwinter stewart.midwinter at gmail.com
Thu Feb 10 19:19:52 CET 2005

hi Martin:

I'm using SciTE as well - great editor!

anyway, I installed it under Python 2.4, then opened tablelist.py
under SciTE and ran it from there. I can't remember if I ran the file
from the folder where I downloaded it, or from its installed folder.

I'm now at work (GMT-7), so I'll try installing it here and see what
happens... let's see, open the .tar.gz file, copy the contents to
..python24\lib\site-packages, browse to that folder, open tablelist.py
with SciTE, press F5 for Run - bingo!

I notice that the button on the side of the list seems to be fixed in
that location.  Is there a way to have it display underneath the table
list? (no biggie if not).   Very easy to get back the selection: just
click on a row and then click on the button (to which I added
text="select").  The show method could be modified as needed by the

Just yesterday, I used a multiListBox to display some information (see
attached graphic); but it looks like TableList could be more powerful
in the future if it supports cell by cell editing. It could then
support data entry as well as its current display capabilities.

Thanks for you work so far on this!


Stewart Midwinter
stewart at midwinter.ca
stewart.midwinter at gmail.com
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