[Tkinter-discuss] Okay, this one really has me baffled -- KeyboardInterrupt signal not working!

Michael Lange klappnase at web.de
Thu Apr 14 11:29:10 CEST 2005

On Wed, 13 Apr 2005 16:24:51 -0400
Jared Cohen <Jared.Cohen at noaa.gov> wrote:

> Thanks a bunch for everybody's help with the syntax highlighting 
> problem, but I finally got fed up with trying, so now I'm looking for a 
> good XML parser to do the work for me ;-)
> Anyway, now there's a new problem. Part of my application executes a 
> system command, captures the standard input/output/error pipes using 
> "(stdin, stdout_err) = os.popen4(...)", and displays them to a Pmw 
> TextDialog.
> Now then, this system command may take a long time to execute, so I want 
> the user to be able to abort the process if they decide it's taking too 
> long or if they realize they made a mistake. In essence, the output 
> dialog should function like a shell window, which means the user can 
> press Ctrl-C to send an interrupt signal. I *THOUGHT* I could do that by 
> adding an Abort button, which raises a KeyboardException. Here's the 
> full code snippet:
> ########################################################################################
>     def SetupOutputDialog(self):
>         self.outputDialog = Pmw.TextDialog(self.root,
>                                            title="Output",
>                                            text_state='disabled',
>                                            buttons=('OK', 'Abort'),
>                                            command=self.OutputButtonPress)
>         ......
>     def OutputButtonPress(self, button):
>         if button == 'OK':
>             self.outputDialog.withdraw()
>         elif button == 'Abort':
>             raise KeyboardInterrupt
>     .....
>     (stdin, stdout_err) = os.popen4(compileString + " &")
>     s = stdout_err.readline()
>     while s != "":
>         self.outputDialog.appendtext(s)
>         self.outputDialog.update()
>         s = stdout_err.readline()
> ########################################################################################
> Seems perfectly sound, right? But for some reason, the Abort button 
> doesn't seem to work right. When I press it, I get the following exception:

I guess you would have to send the keyboard interrupt signal to the compileString process
    os.kill(pid, 2)
where pid is of course the process id of the compileString process.

Best regards


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