[Tkinter-discuss] Re: How to change font sizes in a Tkinter app

Martin Franklin mfranklin1 at gatwick.westerngeco.slb.com
Tue Sep 14 18:26:59 CEST 2004

On Tue, 14 Sep 2004 09:10:48 -0600, <stewart at midtoad.homelinux.org> wrote:

> Quoting Martin Franklin <mfranklin1 at gatwick.westerngeco.slb.com>:
>> I got your code running good work!  However it doesn't update the fonts
>> of the menu items.
>> At least not on my Windows machine - Win 2000 Python 2.3.3
>> For that I had to add some of Jeffs code see below
> Now this gets curioser and curioser.  When I add your code in, the  
> top-level
> menu entries (File, Options) no longer change fonts. (Maybe I copied or  
> indented
> your code wrong?).  If I leave my test app as-is, all of the menu items'  
> fonts
> change.  I'll attach my app as an attachment so it retains its  
> formatting,
> though a text version is below, for those that don't get attachments.   
> My code
> for the update method comes first, with yours as a new method update2;  
> switching
> the names will run your version instead of mine.   Do you get the same  
> results
> as I do when you run this app?
> BTW I'm running Win2k and Python 2.3.4, nearly the same configuration as  
> yours.
> cheers
> S


Unchanged your code does update the font of the Menu-bars items
(I.E The words "File" + "Options") but not the menu items.

I just had a thought perhaps it's a different Pmw version..... ahhh
yes I've got an old 0.8.3 Pmw Bundle in my dumping ground directory!
This version of Pmw uses Menubuttons (under the covers|) perhaps the
latest is different...

I will need to download and install (should have done that years ago)

Incidentally I am also using Python 2.3.4 - I Must have upgraded in my
sleep ;-)

Will let you know after the upgrade...


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