[Tkinter-discuss] Removing widgets

Roland Hedberg roland at catalogix.se
Mon May 24 05:09:41 EDT 2004


I'm a complete newbie on tkinter so I can only
hope that this is the right forum for this question.

Anyway, I have the following problem:

In one part of my main window ( the local definition part), I want to 
insert labels and entry window pairs. Which labels are printed are 
dependent on which entry that has been choosen in a listbox in another 
part of the main window.
The pairs are added to a frame that are packed into the main frame.

The snippet that does the pairs looks like this:

	i = 0
	for lab in labels:
		l = Label(local, text=lab+":")
         	e = Entry(local)
         	e.grid(row=i, column=1)
		i += 1

If another entry from the list is choosen then the labels and 
accompaning entry windows should change. Noticable is that the number of 
  label/entry pairs differs between different choices in the listbox and 
that the length of the labels also varies.

So what I want to do is to clear the local definition frame of the main 
window when a new listentry are choosen and then write the new pairs. 
Preferrably without having the frame size change, but that is secondary 
at present.

My problem is that I am unable to 'clear' the frame, I can't get rid of 
the labels I once have written (or the entries for that matter). I can 
overwrite them but that only 'works' if all the labels are of the same 
length which they aren't.

I've tried to use destroy and forget but to no avail.

Anyone who knows how to do this ?

-- Roland

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