[Tkinter-discuss] Administrative items

Stewart Midwinter stewart at midtoad.homelinux.org
Wed Mar 17 17:30:53 EST 2004

Cool, a wiki already!  Thanks, Jeff.  

Unless the wiki presumes to be the be-all, end-all of Tkinter knowledge (no
telling where this effort might get to in time), it would benefit from a Links
or Resources page, with pointers to other stuff already published in various

... 1 min later: wow, someone already added one!

Good stuff. 

Stewart Midwinter
Calgary, Alberta
stewart 'at' midwinter 'dot' ca

Quoting Jeff Epler <jepler at unpythonic.net>:

> On Wed, Mar 17, 2004 at 12:29:56PM -0500, Cameron Laird wrote:
> >     I can't face setting up a Wiki
> >     myself, just now (personal reasons); any volunteers?
> http://tkinter.unpythonic.net/wiki/
> aka http://tkinter.unpy.net/wiki/
> .. this is running on DSL with only 128kbps outgoing, so it may feel
> slow.
> This is the first time I've installed a wiki for public use, so it's
> possible I've got something wrong.  Let me know if you encounter any
> problems.
> Jeff
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