[summerofcode] stdlib port to python

Armin Rigo arigo at tunes.org
Sat Jun 11 15:35:05 CEST 2005

Hi Nick,

On Fri, Jun 10, 2005 at 08:55:12PM -0400, Nick Dimiduk wrote:
> I have stumbled upon issue 67 in your issues database:
> https://codespeak.net/issue/pypy-dev/issue67.  How about implementing
> sre and/or math?  I have a recent co of pypy (within the last couple
> days) and I see that pypy/lib/cmath.py exists, however
> pypy/module/_sre_pypy/__init__.py claims the file to ba a wrapper for
> calls to the host implementation.  Any thoughts on implementing these
> two modules over the course of the summer?  Too much?  Not enough?

That's an excellent plan!

The two modules are quite different.  The way the math module should be
done for PyPy is a bit unclear so far, but it should be mostly a thin
wrapper around math functions taken from the host environment.  Such a
thing would be short and specific to PyPy.  What needs to be discussed
is how exactly this can be written, so that later translation phases
know to which C/Java/etc. routines the wrapper actually refer to.

The _sre module, on the other hand, would be a self-contained "normal"
Python module that would be useful in general, for experimentation and
for all Python reimplementations.  It's much more work; I guess that it
would come close to the two months of the summer of code plan.  It's
also something that PyPy needs quite soon.  The Python version should be
based on Python 2.4's (or CVS's) version of 'Modules/_sre.c', and not
2.3, as there were some changes.  (There is also a Java version of a
still older _sre in Jython, if you want to have a look at it.)

While it's still unclear to me how many proposals the PSF can accept,
and if and how many of them could have a PyPy orientation, we are
definitely looking forward to your proposal :-)

A bientot,


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