[summerofcode] Project proposal: Python based mathematical modelling system similar to Matlab

Shashwath trshash84 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 10 09:57:33 CEST 2005

On Thursday 09 Jun 2005 10:21 pm, Fernando Perez wrote:
> Charles Moad wrote:
> > http://matplotlib.sf.net
> And in addition, http://scipy.org, which contains the underlying numerical
> foundation and a large set of libraries.
> Just to let you (the OP) know, there is a LOT to be done in scientific
> computing and Python.  Both matplotlib and the broader scipy can use all
> the helping hands we can get, and

Thanks! I was getting at something quite similar, actually. Since I'm generally interested in scientific computing, I will gladly sign on and help in whatever way I can in both projects. 

> <plug>
> IPython, the interactive shell written with that in mind, has its own SoC
> project with a scientific computing bent.  Details here:
> http://ipython.scipy.org/google_soc.
> </plug>

I like the idea, and looking at your mock-ups, I've got more ideas. I'll put them down and run them by you if that's OK.. :)

> But at least familiarize yourself first with what's already been done in
> the field: there is a yearly scipy conference held since 2001, and a vast
> amount of work in multiple locations for using python for scientific
> computing.  Try google :)

Of course... I basically had this idea in my head, and I just put it down without really researching. My fault, I guess, but I just wanted to get it down before I forgot any of it...

I spent the morning reading through the archives of scipy and ipython, and I find a lot of things I like. I'll come on board ASAP :)


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