[summerofcode] Bayesian Framework in Python

Saket Sathe saket at cc.iitb.ac.in
Wed Jun 8 16:57:04 CEST 2005

I would as well like to work on this project.
Bayesian belief networks in python is really an interesting idea.

James Tauber wrote:

>I recently started down the path of implementing a package for bayesian
>networks myself (including Pearl's belief propagation algorithm).
>I would certainly love to see a package like this and would be willing
>to be a mentor.
>On Tue, 07 Jun 2005 15:45:47 -0700, "Elliot Miles Asher Cohen"
><emcohen3 at berkeley.edu> said:
>>I am interested in designing a Python framework that would allow for easy
>>development of Bayesian 
>>Networks, both static and dynamic. While such packages exist in a variety
>>of languages already, 
>>there are none that are implemented in Python. I believe that Python is
>>uniquely designed to 
>>handle such a task extremely well. Is there anyone on this list that
>>feels they could be mentor 
>>for such a project and would be willing to discuss this idea further?

... If you had everything, where would you keep it?

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