[summerofcode] PySSL

Warange Rajesh warange_rajesh at myway.com
Wed Jun 8 12:50:16 CEST 2005

Hi All, 
I 've been using OpenSource projects and products for the last 2 years now, especially the Gofer project by Mark Jones and modified by RPM. But this contest has definately changed the way "students" should look at the OpenSource Movement. 
Well the integration of money + opensource is a nice one. A student is normally a non-working class and an incentive really boosts up the morale. And what else can one expect that to have atleast 200 energetic young open source developers at the end of the contest. 

I would love to be a full-time developer with the Python community. 
I would like to contribute to the SSL support for Python. 

Any pointers in that direction are most welcome. 

-- warange_rajesh

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