[summerofcode] Memory usage tool

Tobi Vollebregt tobivollebregt at gmail.com
Mon Jun 6 15:29:53 CEST 2005

Hi all,

I read on your summer of code ideas webpage that there's some need for
a tool in python to keep track of the memory used by the interpreted

I wonder if I understand it correctly:

The goal of the project would be to change the python interpreter
(written in C?) to keep track of all objects created via the
interpreted code as well as memory allocated by C modules used by this

Is this correct?

And what about the way this information is passed to the user? Would
the goal be a tool which just prints out warnings on console or in a
log file about circular references and memory leaks? Or would it be
something were a diagram could be drawn at any moment during program
flow of all allocated objects and the references between them?

And does it matter if I don't know python yet? I'll try to learn it
very soon if I apply of course.

thanks in advance,

Tobi Vollebregt

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