[Speed] Median +- MAD or Mean +- std dev?

Victor Stinner victor.stinner at gmail.com
Thu Mar 16 13:28:40 EDT 2017

2017-03-15 23:44 GMT+01:00 Serhiy Storchaka <storchaka at gmail.com>:
> Don't use the "+-" notation. It is misleading even for the stddev of normal
> distribution, because with the chance 1 against 2 the sample is out of the
> specified interval. Use "Mean: 10 ms  Stddev: 1 ms" or "Median: 10 ms  MAD:
> 1 ms" instead.

I know that it's an abuse of "value +- range" notation.

Since I already changed the default formatting of a benchmark multiple
times and it seems like Serhiy doesn't like the current format, a
first action is to remove the public methods to format a benchmark :-)

So at least, I will not break the API if I change the format again in
the future.


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