[Speed] perf 0.7.3 released

Victor Stinner victor.stinner at gmail.com
Wed Aug 17 11:38:15 EDT 2016

The Python perf module is a toolkit to write, run, analyze and modify

Version 0.7.3 (2016-08-17):

* add a new ``slowest`` command
* convert: add ``--extract-metadata=NAME``
* add ``--tracemalloc`` option: use the ``tracemalloc`` module to track
  Python memory allocation and get the peak of memory usage in metadata
* add ``--track-memory`` option: run a thread reading the memory usage
  every millisecond and store the peak as ``mem_peak`` metadata
* ``compare_to``: add ``--group-by-speed`` (``-G``) and ``--min-speed`` options
* metadata: add ``runnable_threads``
* Fix issues on ppc64le Power8


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