[Speed] I wonder if I can help in some way

Tennessee Leeuwenburg tleeuwenburg at gmail.com
Tue Jul 26 13:29:20 CEST 2011

Hi all,

I feel a bit unconfident about emailing the speed at python mailing list for
some reason. I have put together a very small, but fully functional, module
called benchmarker.py. It records profile stats to disk and submits them to
codespeed. I suspect it could not currently meet all the needs of Python for
benchmarking,but I would be more than happy to hear about the requirements
and maybe help out it some way. I hope it is clear that I'm not claiming
benchmarker.py is anything amazing, just something I have put together which
*might* be useful.

I have independently spoken to Miquel Torres as I was working on the
codespeed integration code. He is curious to see if he has any application
for benchmarker.py himself, but that will unfold as it may. It is something
I am using for my work, so the project has a life of its own, but of course
if it can be of use to anyone else also, that would be exciting for me :)

Regards, Tennessee
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