[Speed] Getting the project off the ground

Laura Creighton lac at openend.se
Wed Jul 6 19:25:19 CEST 2011

What I would like is a way to have hg bisect automated for me.  So I could
induicate a fast build, and a later build that is slow, and then say 'find me
the first build in between where things slowed down.  I want to be able to
ask for this, go to bed, and find out when I wake up the next day exactly
whre to go looking for bugs/slowdowns.  I realise that this does not have
to be done through the codespeak interface, and that in some cases it may be 
hard to tell the difference between a real slowdown, random noise, and
the ever popular 'somebody was trying to compile pypy on tannit when the
benchmarks were being run' though I suppose with the new machine we can
work out a mechanism for preventing the last.  But I still think this would
be a neat feature for codespeed to have as a feature.


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