[Spambayes] Issue with spambayes on Win 7 x64

dmccunney dennis.mccunney at gmail.com
Sat Feb 15 18:48:46 CET 2014

On Sat, Feb 15, 2014 at 11:55 AM, Сергей <swisss at inbox.ru> wrote:
> After installation latest versopn of spambayes to c:\spambayes dir on
> wondows 7 sp1 x64 with MS outlook 2010 x64 there is no any plugin options
> was found on plugins  tab. Like it was not installed.

You are running 64 bit Outlook.  SpamBayes is a 32 bit plugin.  It won't work.

You need to either run 32 bit Office, or install SpamBayes outside of
Outlook as a proxy server between Outlook and your Internet

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