[Spambayes] Help on Spamabyes support and product problem

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Wed Jun 20 00:13:40 CEST 2012

> Can you please tell me who I can ask as to why I keep getting the following
> errors and Spambayes won't allow me to REVIEW MESSAGES (which is where you
> teach Spambayes what consider Spam vs. Acceptable messages)?
> This function used to work, but has not worked now for 6 months... and it
> has resulted in big problems with spam email getting through daily.
> I have emailed Spambayes numerous times but never hear back.

I'm pretty certain I have responded at least once.  Your training
database is corrupt.  Try searching Google for this:

    site:mail.python.org spambayes DBRunRecoveryError


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