[Spambayes] Two questions regarding Spambayes

Gary Smith Gary at ka1j.com
Fri Jan 13 21:35:10 CET 2012

With no replies I've gone back to V1.0.4 and I still have the same 
problem, Spambayes does not appear when I restart the computer, I 
have to manually add it from the list of programs. Is there a simple 


> Hi,
> Spambayes Version 1.1b2
> Windows 7 64bit
> I just migrated my .ini to a new computer and used to have spambayes 
> on drive C but now I'm using a SSD and have spambayes on drive E. I 
> receive emails from 5 separate accounts which I read with each email 
> going into their respective folders in Pegasus. I migrated the old 
> spambayes.ini and hammie/spammie to the windows user sub-directory so 
> as to not have to retrain or change the settings.
> First issue is spambayes does not automatically start when Windows 
> starts. It used to on my old machine but I can't figure out how to do 
> this with the current setup; I have to manually start spambayes every 
> time I reboot the computer.
> The other thing is when I try to save a configuration change I get 
> the notice below in a web page message with the address: 
> http://localhost:8880/changeopts
> --------------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "spambayes\Dibbler.pyo", line 476, in found_terminator
>   File "spambayes\UserInterface.pyo", line 883, in onChangeopts
>   File "spambayes\ProxyUI.pyo", line 569, in reReadOptions
>   File "sb_server.pyo", line 981, in _recreateState
> UnboundLocalError: local variable 'state' referenced before 
> assignment
> ------------------------------
> Any suggestions on how to resolve either or both of these?
> Thanks!
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