[Spambayes] SpamBayes and ipv6

Dale Schroeder dale at BriannasSaladDressing.com
Wed Apr 25 17:45:02 CEST 2012

I'm looking for advice from someone using Windows 7 trying to access the 
web interface on a remote host.  I have limited the hosts that can 
access the web interface.  This has worked flawlessly with ipv4; 
however, it appears Windows 7 is identifying itself to SpamBayes with 
ipv6 and remote access is denied.  If I use the asterisk for allowed 
hosts, it works; however, I would rather not leave training and 
configuration access wide open.  So..............
1. Is SpamBayes ipv6 aware?  Or,
2. Is there a way to tell Windows 7 to preferentially use ipv4?  Or,
3. Can ipv6 be completely turned off in Windows 7?

I realize the last two are not truly SpamBayes questions, but maybe one 
of you has already figured out the solution for working with Windows 7 
to a remote host.  I have tried unchecking the ipv6 option on the 
interface's properties window, and that does not change the behavior or 


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