[Spambayes] Secure access still not working

Luke Paris spmbn at hotmail.com
Sun Dec 12 18:19:33 CET 2010

I have had problems with all secure access, including gmail, or rebranded 
gmail, such as my ISP's offering.  But they're both working at present, and 
it's hotmail that has still never worked (and yes, I am using pop access).

POP server for windows live is pop3.live.com and port is 995.

It works with spamihilator, but that's just not as good a filter.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Skip Montanaro" <skip.montanaro at gmail.com>
To: "Luke Paris" <spmbn at hotmail.com>
Cc: <spambayes at python.org>
Sent: Sunday, December 12, 2010 2:46 PM
Subject: Re: [Spambayes] Secure access still not working

On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 3:24 PM, Luke Paris <spmbn at hotmail.com> wrote:
> for many moons now I've been hoping for secure access to be implemented in
> SpamBayes. No other spam filter comes close (although, to tell you the
> truth, very little spam currently gets past my ISP, although I fear quite 
> a
> lot of non-spam suffers a spammie fate). 1.1a4 promised SSL access but
> failed to deliver, and crashed a lot, and now trying 1.1a6, and seems to 
> be
> managing to connect to pop.live.com on port 995, but behaviour erratic, 
> and
> never gets further than downloading 1/3 of the message list, let alone any
> messages.

I'm not familiar with the work done to to support SSL.  That was done by
other people whose attention is now directed elsewhere.

If you're using Windows Live (aka Hotmail?)  I assume you must be using the
POP3 proxy, is that right?  How did you download and install SpamBayes,
from source or using the Windows installer?

I don't have WIndows, but I suspect I could sign up for Windows Live and
take a look.

> Is SpamBayes still being actively developed, or have the developers gone 
> on
> to bigger, more lucrative things? Not that they don't deserve a lucrative
> future, but unfortunately that lucre won't come from me, as i"m now 
> getting
> too little spam to be worth it.

Most developers have moved on.  I am trying to provide a modicum of support
but don't have time to do any real development these days.  To make matters
worse for you I've never done anything with the Windows code or the SSL

> Is there any hope of a functioning SSL version?

I wouldn't hold my breath.  Do you have any log file output which might help
pinpoint the problem?

An alternative would be to use something else to do the SSL part, say
fetchmail, available for Windows in the Unixmail package:


I just signed up for Windows Live.  For the life of me I can't figure out 
it teaches me about downloading email via POP.  Do you have a pointer?


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