[Spambayes] Unsure and Spam folder/file

Amedee Van Gasse amedee at vangasse.eu
Tue Aug 24 12:12:42 CEST 2010

Op 23-08-10 17:49, jamesrhoades2 at comcast.net schreef:
> Hi Folks--I know you're very busy, but would sure appreciate your help
> if possible. I can't seem to resolve the matter of the "Unsure" folder
> and "Spam" folder. I have downloaded Spambayes and can't seem to find
> how or where the "Unsure" and "Spam" folder are listed---Currently
> everything that Spambayes seems to be filtering is going directly to the
> "Junk Mail" folder---which is O.K., but I still can't seem to get the
> "Unsure" file to show and I have created a "Spam" folder, but nothing
> seems to dump into that folder--what am I missing or doing wrong?
> Thanks for your help,
> Jim Rhoades

Your mailheaders indicate that you do not use Microsoft Outlook, but 
Microsoft Live Mail. That's a completely separate program.
Please read 
because it may apply to you. I don't know, because I don't use Windows, 
I use Linux.


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