[Spambayes] Spambayes causing Outlook pauses, temp image files hanging around

skip at pobox.com skip at pobox.com
Fri Apr 30 15:36:00 CEST 2010

    Erik> The spambayes1.log file in the temp directory contains numerous
    Erik> messages such as this:

    Erik> Message '<email subject>' in 'Mail Folders/Inbox' had a Spam classification
    Erik> of 'No'
    Erik> Traceback (most recent call last):
    Erik>   File "addin.pyc", line 383, in _TimerFunc
    Erik>   File "addin.pyc", line 223, in ProcessMessage
    Erik>   File "filter.pyc", line 21, in filter_message
    Erik>   File "manager.pyc", line 825, in score
    Erik>   File "spambayes\classifier.pyc", line 196, in chi2_spamprob
    Erik>   File "spambayes\classifier.pyc", line 498, in _getclues
    Erik>   File "spambayes\tokenizer.pyc", line 1281, in tokenize
    Erik>   File "spambayes\tokenizer.pyc", line 1640, in tokenize_body
    Erik>   File "spambayes\ImageStripper.pyc", line 374, in analyze
    Erik>   File "spambayes\ImageStripper.pyc", line 318, in extract_ocr_info
    Erik> MemoryError 

Can you try disabling image processing in the config file?  I'm not sure how
you edit your config file on the Outlook plugin, but in the Tokenizer
section you should find this:


Just change True to False and see if that fixes the problem.


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