[Spambayes] Message an exception to Spambayes and therefore invisible?

skip at pobox.com skip at pobox.com
Mon Apr 26 02:42:55 CEST 2010

>>>>> "skip" == skip  <skip at pobox.com> writes:

    Mike> -------In the header--------------------------
    Mike> X-Spambayes-Exception: Traceback (most recent call last):
    Mike> .  File "sb_server.pyc", line 446, in onRetr
    Mike> .  File "spambayes\message.pyc", line 243, in setPayload
    Mike> .  File "email\Parser.pyc", line 245, in _parsebody
    Mike> .BoundaryError: multipart message with no defined boundary 

I checked and see this code is no longer used in the latest version of
SpamBayes.  I suggest you upgrade.

Skip Montanaro - skip at pobox.com - http://www.smontanaro.net/

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