[Spambayes] Win 7, Outlook 2007 issues

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Thu Apr 1 03:51:40 CEST 2010

On 1/04/2010 12:45 PM, Ocean wrote:
>>> 	As I recall, you suggested that I try the binary, then try the
>>> source - unmodified.  Then add my modifications.  Obviously, in order to
> run
>>> that gamut of tests, I need the source.
>> One step at a time - try the binary and *then* worry about the source.
>> I'm trying to help you - if you aren't willing to take my advice then
>> I'm sure you understand you are on your own...
> 	Of course I'm willing to take your advice.  I was *trying* to take
> your advice by attempting to get the source.

My advice was to try the binary and *then* worry about the source.  I'm 
sorry if that wasn't clear, but I used "then" to imply you should do the 
first thing before doing the second.

> Don't give me conflicting
> instructions and then criticize me because I didn't follow one of them.

I'd suggest you try and remain polite and refrain from making demands of 
the spambayes volunteers if you want them to continue to offer you 

> 	I'll try the binary and let you know how it goes.



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