[Spambayes] Setting up on Ubuntu Linux...

Dale Schroeder dale at BriannasSaladDressing.com
Tue May 5 23:07:12 CEST 2009


You just need an init script to ease startup.  The following should give 
you direction in creating one:


Eric Johnson wrote:
> Hi everyone...
> I'm a longtime Windows user and Spambayes user.
> First I must say that Spambayes has been working absolutely wonderful, 
> my user rate is currently 0.3%, nice.
> Anyway, I have finally had enough of Windows and I am moving my 
> desktop to Ubuntu 8.04.
> I've installed the Spambayes 1.1a4 package.  I want to use 
> sb_server.py since I'm using Thunderbird for my email.
> How do I get sb_server.py to run as a service in Linux?
> Thanks,
> Eric
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