[Spambayes] Proxy in SpamBayes

Dale Schroeder dale at BriannasSaladDressing.com
Tue Jun 16 15:11:12 CEST 2009


Have you seen this FAQ?

How you accomplish this depends upon your particular setup.  In my case, 
I direct the mail client to
AVG's proxy server (, then redirect AVG to SpamBayes 
(host:8110 [installed on
a different host]).  Your situation is probably different, so the FAQ is 
quite correct in saying that trial
and error may be necessary.


artur machado wrote:
> Hi,
> i'm using one release of spambayes who come in Thunderbayes (but i
> don't know the version of spambayes) for windows xp and thunderbird.
> The problem is, i'm behind of one proxy server, so for the spambayes
> access to the pop3 server i need first to redirect the connection to
> the server of the proxy. how i can do that?
> thank you,

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