[Spambayes] Windows 7 x64, Outlook 2007 - Compatible?

Ocean Ocean at cobaltnight.com
Tue Dec 8 22:56:46 CET 2009

	I currently use SpamBayes 1.1a4 on Outlook 2007 (integrated) in
Windows XP.  Is SpamBayes (and it's required components) fully compatible
with Windows 7 x64 (in integrated mode)?

	While I saw that Python is available in 64 bit, I couldn't find
PyWin in a 64 bit version - I don't even know if PyWin x86 will work with
Python x64, let alone whether or not  SpamBayes itself will work on Windows
7 x64.

	Any help would be appreciated.  And to address some typical points -
no, I am not a programmer, and I'm not in a position to try it first.  I
need to know whether it will work in advance, because it affects whether I
make the change to Windows 7 right now at all.


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