[Spambayes] why

Dale Schroeder dale at BriannasSaladDressing.com
Fri Mar 7 18:04:10 CET 2008

There might be another option.  I know that many, if not all, of the att 
yahoo's have a pop3 option for email.  The incoming and outgoing servers 
vary by locale, but (after logging in) they can be found on the att 
yahoo website:  
<http://helpme.att.net/results.php?all=0&category=2> .  I had to set up 
a coworker, using Mozilla Thunderbird and sbserver.  The only "gotchas" 
for her locale was that att used nonstandard ports and ssl, which had to 
be accounted for in the configuration.


skip at pobox.com wrote:
>     Jack> I have windows XP, at&t Yahoo Mail    Mozilla Firefox
> Hmmm...  You *might* be able to use the SpamBayes IMAP filter to classify
> messages, though as far as I know this hasn't been tried before.  I have a
> freebie Yahoo! Mail account but it doesn't support IMAP.  I was able to get
> the IMAP filter to work with Google, sort of, but I was unsatisfied with the
> results.  It was too complicated, it wasn't at all clear to me that I had
> things set up properly (and I'm a SpamBayes developer), and it seemed as if
> Google's spam filtering and SpamBayes were often at cross purposes.
> My mother-in-law has a similar setup to you, but since she only mails her
> friends she doesn't get much (if any) spam.  Still, perhaps I can prevail on
> her to let me try and break her mail setup (she's done it frequently enough
> without my help, and she always calls me for tech support ;-).
> It's not going to happen anytime soon though.  PyCon is coming
> <http://us.pycon.org/>.  That will likely suck up most otherwise free time
> for the next week or so.
> Skip
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