[Spambayes] Uninstalling

Jesse Pelton jsp at PKC.com
Mon Feb 18 18:40:34 CET 2008

To be useful, SpamBayes must be configured with separate folders for spam and possible spam. This allows SpamBayes to put anything that it is not sure how to classify into the possible spam folder, indicating that it needs your attention.
Assuming you've done that, the next thing you need to know is that SpamBayes classifies exclusively on the basis of the training you do. Initially, it has no information regarding what you think is spam and what you regard as good messages (or "ham"), so it treats everything as possible spam. You have to tell it which of those possible spam messages to treat as spam and which to treat as ham. This is what makes SpamBayes work well for a wide range of people: you train it to recognize what YOU think is spam. You're not constrained by someone else's choices.
The training may sound onerous, but it really isn't. Training on each message is simple (just drag it where it belongs or click the appropriate button on the toolbar), and SpamBayes learns quickly. I generally get excellent results by the time I've trained on a few dozen messages.
Bottom line: initially, you do have to tell the system which messages are good and which are not, but that phase does not last long, and I think the benefits are more than worth the effort.


From: spambayes-bounces at python.org [mailto:spambayes-bounces at python.org] On Behalf Of Lone Ebbesen
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2008 9:55 AM
To: spambayes at python.org
Subject: [Spambayes] Uninstalling


Today I installed the spamfilter SpanBayes, but Already I have uninstalled it again, because it sent all my mails into the junkfile directory without any warning, no matter which settings I had made.

I do not believe that I have to tell the system about every trustworthy mail I receive.



Lone Ebbesen

Frederiksøvænget 104

5500 Middelfart

21 44 66 18 - ebbesen at stofanet.dk


http://www.semithus.dk/ebbesen <http://www.semithus.dk/ebbesen> 


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