[Spambayes] Problem with SpamBayes Proxy: 500 error

lodgepole50 at carbonpower.net lodgepole50 at carbonpower.net
Tue Apr 15 23:11:07 CEST 2008

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Name: SpamBayesServer1.log
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Url : http://mail.python.org/pipermail/spambayes/attachments/20080415/6064b2e0/attachment.obj 
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I am using SpamBayes Proxy Version 1.1a3 (April 2007) (binary), with
version 2.4.4 (#71, Feb  5 2007, 15:24:39) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]
of Python; my operating system is Windows 5.1.2600.2 (Service Pack 2).
I have trained 0 ham and 0 spam.

The problem I am having is when i copy an addy to train as i get a 500
server error,what to do????

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