[Spambayes] SpamBayes not filtering

Joel Rosenthal rojo.editor at verizon.net
Sun Nov 4 06:24:05 CET 2007

I successfully used SpamBayes on Windows XP, Outlook 2003 and 2007 until my
hard drive crashed. Now I'm using SpamBayes on Outlook 2007, but no matter
what I do, it doesn't filter a single message.  It's enabled, and I have
tried to train it. Sometimes I check the spam rating of a message I've
clicked the Spam button on, and it shows 99% Spam, but it still doesn't work
on its own.


Here is my latest log file:


Loaded bayes database from 'C:\Documents and Settings\Rojo\Application

Loaded message database from 'C:\Documents and Settings\Rojo\Application

Bayes database initialized with 650 spam and 23630 good messages

SpamBayes Outlook Addin Version 1.1a3 (April 2007)

on Windows 5.1.2600 (Service Pack 2)

using Python 2.4.4 (#71, Feb  5 2007, 15:24:39) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]

Log created Sun Nov 04 01:01:14 2007

SpamBayes: Watching (for filtering) in 'Personal Folders/Inbox'

SpamBayes: Watching (for incremental training) in 'Personal Folders/Junk

Processing 0 missed spam in folder 'Inbox' took 29.2113ms

FAILED to add the toolbar item 'SpamBayesCommand.Manager' - (-2147352567,
'Exception occurred.', (0, None, None, None, 0, -2147467259), None)

The above toolbar message is common - recreating the toolbar...



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