[Spambayes] Alternative to Gmail?

Jesse Pelton jsp at PKC.com
Mon Jul 30 13:50:14 CEST 2007

A friend of mine swears by usermail.com.  It costs $19.95/year and
includes POP3 and IMAP access in the clear or over SSL.  They claim to
have "fully customizable spam filtering," but not having used their
services myself, I don't know whether the customization is useful.  They
also do virus scanning on inbound messages.

-----Original Message-----
From: spambayes-bounces at python.org [mailto:spambayes-bounces at python.org]
On Behalf Of skip at pobox.com
Sent: Sunday, July 29, 2007 10:19 AM
To: spambayes at python.org
Subject: [Spambayes] Alternative to Gmail?

This is more than a bit off-topic for this list, but as the folks here
interested in email and spam I thought I'd see what recommendations you

Since leaving the Mojam/Musi-Cal space about 6-8 months ago and no
having easy, guaranteed long-term access to a mail server I've been
Gmail.  On the surface it's quite nice.  I can read mail through the web
wherever I happen to be, and it seemed that it was doing a pretty good
of filtering out spam, taking a load off both SpamBayes and my laptop.

Over the past few days it's become increasingly obvious though that
Gmail is
actually doing a very bad job of spam filtering.  I don't mind the few
spams that it misses, maybe 10-15 per day, most of which SpamBayes
classifies correctly.  I first noticed it when I noticed much of the
mail I
sent to lists I post to frequently were themselves being classified as
It seems that Gmail is mistakenly classifying several good emails each
as spam, again, maybe 10-15 messages.  That means I must wade through
thousands of emails in my spam box searching among the detritus for the
messages Gmail missed.  Hardly makes sense to use a spam filter if you
to pick through your spam manually.

To make matters worse, they provide essentially no tools to help in that
search.  For instance, you can't select all the non-English (or
character set) spams to quickly get them out of the way.  You can't turn
knob to make their spam filter less aggressive (or disable it
The mail messages aren't marked in any way that would indicate why Gmail
thought a particular message was spam.

Long story short, I think I want to find an alternative email provider.
any of the others any better?  I do need POP or IMAP access.  Beyond
I'm pretty flexible.


SpamBayes at python.org
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