[Spambayes] (no subject)

Peter Bishop bishop at aeroprise.com
Tue Jan 16 19:22:02 CET 2007

Although Spambayes is wonderful and is used by many computer professionals
like myself who receive email from publicly advertised email addresses which
are magnets for spam, it is not a commercial product, but rather what is
called "open-source" software.  You should get started by looking at the
main web page for SpamBayes:
This will explain what kind of organization is behind the development,
maintenance, and distribution of SpamBayes.  It will also tell you how to
install SpamBayes.  Try your best to ask your questions of the website much
the way you use a book to answer questions.  The good news is: it doesn't
cost anything.  The bad news is: you need to spend a little time to
understand the documentation that has been created for it.  This email list
can only help you if you explain why the documentation is not helping you.
What are you doing that the documentation is telling you to do, but is not
working the way the documentation says it is supposed to?  Unless we get at
least this much of a specific question, this email list really cannot help

Peter Bishop 


From: spambayes-bounces at python.org [mailto:spambayes-bounces at python.org] On
Behalf Of Dorothy M Ross
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2007 9:37 AM
To: SpamBayes at python.org
Subject: [Spambayes] (no subject)

Please help me to download spam bayes
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