[Spambayes] problems with Outlook Express

Amedee Van Gasse amedee at amedee.be
Fri Feb 23 12:13:39 CET 2007

Copied from a reply of Jesse Pelton:

You appear to be using Outlook Express. If this is the case, please see
http://spambayes.sourceforge.net/faq.html#does-spambayes-work-with-outlook-express and http://spambayes.sourceforge.net/faq.html#how-do-i-set-up-spambayes-and-outlook-express. Unfortunately, Outlook Express is quite limited compared to Outlook, and its setup is more of a manual process.

I would like to add:
Outlook and Outlook Express are not the same. This is a common mistake.
Outlook is groupware, while Outlook Express is only email.

About the telephone helpline: SpamBayes is free software, and you pay
for what you get. You paid nothing so...
Second, I don't know where all the Spambayes devs live, but chances are
they don't live in your part of the world/time zone.
Third, Spambayes is not a company, but a group of volunteering
individuals who do this as a hobby. I'm afraid they would stop working
on Spambayes if they were forced to do telephone support. That's why
they also rely a bit on people like me, just regular users, to help
other users, via this mailing list.

Amedee Van Gasse
amedee at amedee.be

On vr, 2007-02-23 at 09:53 +0000, Alan Moss wrote:
> Dear Spambayes
> I have downloaded Spambayes because I recently went on to broadband,
> and had to transfer to Outlook Express for email because my previous
> email prgramme Turnpike would not work.   And then I started receiving
> loads of spam.   Hance Spambayes!  I have configured Spambayes with my
> POP3 proxy options, but still cannot get the email flowing through on
> to Outlook so that I can train the system.   I have had advice from
> somebody who says that there should be an icon appearing on Outlook
> express so that I can click on that icon and automatically classify
> messages as ham, spam and so on, but I have no sign of this.
> So there is something I have not done right, and I cannot work what
> what it is.  Is there a telephone helpline available, or some other
> help facility which addresses my problem?
> I am on Windows XP, and my email proivder is demon
> (alan at alanmoss.demon.co.uk)
> Many thanks
> Alan Moss
> Alan Moss
> History by the Yard - Information about the Policing of London
> www.historybytheyard.co.uk
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